Kathy Burkett, MN State Representative 42A

Kathy has been a good friend of local Patriots for years.  She helped us to
defeat GREEN STEPS here in LF with a letter sent to our City Council and then
went on to help defeat it in her own area. If you have family or friends in her District, please let them know, thanks Greg

It’s Time for a Change!

Not that long ago Plymouth ranked as the #1 place to live, not just in
Minnesota, but in the entire United States!  But that was then, and this is now,
and while it is still an amazing community,  we are facing a growing crime
problem and declining test scores in our schools while we watch our taxes
continue to rise. I grew up here and raised my family in this area. For the
last 50 years, this has been home and I love it too much to ignore the fact that
assaults in Plymouth are up 47%, car thefts 76%, and breaking and entering 71%.
Even NYC’s Mayor Adams was quoted as saying that public safety has to happen
before we can experience prosperity and why should Plymouth be any different?
It is time to make Plymouth safe again.

Speaking of prosperity, Minnesota currently sits on a $10 billion dollar
surplus.  That is the taxpayer money, money that families need to combat rising
prices at grocery stores and gas pumps. Minnesota is the 5th highest-taxed state
in the nation and one of only 13 states that tax Social Security. It’s clear
that we are overtaxing seniors and hard-working Minnesotans. Meanwhile, as
Plymouth families struggle with historic inflation, my opponent voted to approve
a tax increase of 28% while serving on the Plymouth City Council. These types
of tax and spend policies are failing Minnesota, Plymouth,  and most of all
Plymouth’s families.  I’m running for office to bring a change to Plymouth and
Minnesota.  If elected, I will cut out waste and abuse, hold those people whose
failed oversight and mismanagement led to fraud accountable, and seek more
efficient ways to use tax dollars — because we all worked hard for that money.

Plymouth’s families deserve better.  They deserve safe streets, good schools,
and a strong economy.  This is my vision for Plymouth and our great state.

If you share my vision and want to see new policies that put voters and
Plymouth’s families first,  please consider supporting my campaign and voting
for me on election day.

" Prepared in Support of Kathy for MN House."



Kathy Burkett

Candidate for MN House, HD 42A

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