I would like to invite you to our next community group meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Little Falls Township Hall located at 15132 Gordon Circle, Little Falls, MN. We are now 18 days and just under 2 hours away (at time of sending this) from Election Day 2024. Some of you may have already voted and that's wonderful! Thank you so much if you are one of those individuals. If you haven't voted yet, please have a plan to do so whether it be absentee/mail-in, early in-person, or on Election Day. How ever you choose, make sure you get out and vote! I still encourage people to vote in-person on Election Day but if that won't work for you, then vote another way but be sure to vote. This is your 1 opportunity to voice your approval or disapproval for the current status of your country, state, and local governments and your local school board. This is likely the biggest election in our nation's history. If things go the wrong way, this may be our last election to be totally honest so please encourage each and every legal voter that you know to vote in this election. If you don't vote, then you're stuck with what you get and you're essentially giving the government your consent to be governed the way we currently are. If you're not okay with the direction of this country or state, your county, your city, or your school board, then please vote accordingly. I also would like to remind everyone to vote on your respective local races and to vote "NO" for both the Morrison County Auditor Ballot Question and the proposed State Constitutional Amendment. We need less government control, not more. Thank you to everyone for your continued support over the years. Jessy and I look forward to seeing you soon. Stay Strong and Vigilant, Jeremy J. PekulaCentral Minnesota Freedom Coalition Leader