Citizens CONTINUE TO fight back !

(Thanks Sandy)

RECENT LETTER TO EDITOR of Sartell Newsleader

 RE: CR 133 realignment

After attending numerous Stearns County Commissioners meetings and one
Sartell gathering to inform the public about the CR 133 realignment plan,
 there are a few missing facts that need to be noted or reiterated.  There
were 4 routes which were addressed after an extensive study to determine
the best outcome for the beltway around Sartell.  None of the studies
included a safety or environmental study, in fact 3 of the 4 routes
impacted wetlands.  Repayment of $270,000, secured by a grant, was in play
if nothing was to be done vs. $2,300,000 for option ‘C’ which was just a
cost projection.   LeSauk Township, whose land was to be forfeited for the
project, strongly opposed any alternative route and option ‘C’ would have
taken a home by eminent domain.   Citizens voiced their opinions which at
many times went unheard. Hopefully soon our government officials will
realize they work for “We the People”.
EDITORS NOTE – PUSHBACK and EXPOSURE from the public is becoming a real Thorn In The Sides of local NGOs and their Partners In Crime, our local elected officials. We have witnessed them making threats and now NGOs are bringing in affiliate groups with the same programs, to hide their own names as public awareness grows. They used to PROUDLY AND PUBLICLY take credit for everything they were involved in. Until the masks came off and the public began to recognize the evil. Keep it up, EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE


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