Computer Program to FIX elections
This is the Voting Machine version of 2000 Mules (Absentee Ballot Boxes), but
much shorter!
See the video from Minute 15:00 to about 1 Hour mark
Three professionals are interviewed.
Dr. Walter C. Daugherty: Degree in Math; Masters and Doctorate at Harvard;
Teacher; Consultant including Government agencies
Dr. Phillip Jauregui: Attorney
Jeff O’Donnel: Software Designer 40 yrs; Consultant for large companies
Prophets and Patriots Episode 1: PROOF 2020 WAS RIGGED – with Robin Bullock,
Special Guests and Steve Shultz.
Join us this Thursday at 12pm Pacific Time — LIVE on RUMBLE ONLY — as Steve
Shultz interviews Robin Bullock and his special guests for our first broadcast
of “Prophets and Patriots”. Our guests will be discussing the latest prophetic
revelation about our nation, speaking the truth behind election fraud, and
encouraging the saints to boldly stand together. Please join us this Thursday at
12pm PT exclusively on our RUMBLE channel only: Note: We will NOT have our regular show at
11am PT this Thursday, so please make sure to join us an hour later at 12pm PT!