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NON-USE OF ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM EQUIPMENT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, MN Statute 206.58, Subd. 3. “Authorization for Use”, states, “Counties. The governing body of a county may provide for the use of an electronic voting system in one or more precincts of the county at all elections. The governing body of the municipality shall give approval before an electronic voting system may be adopted or used in the municipality under the authority of this section. No system may be adopted or used unless it has been approved by the secretary of state pursuant to section 206.57.”; and GIVEN, that the electronic voting system equipment currently used in (County Name) County, which was purchased in (Year), utilizes an operating system that is no longer supported by the manufacture in terms of security or maintenance, thereby increasing the possibility of unwanted accessing and manipulation of code; and GIVEN, that the general public, based upon numerous reports and articles, is wary of and has lost faith in electronic, especially “Dominion”, voting equipment; and GIVEN, that it is reported that Dominion Voting System Equipment are designed to be capable of giving a “weight” to votes cast if not simply adjust the number of votes per candidate; and GIVEN, that the cost to update or replace and re-certify the current electronic voting equipment could be many times more than the cost of the performance of a simple physical hand count. IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT, the authorized use of all Dominion Democracy Suite Version 4.14-E Voting System equipment is suspended for the 2022 election season, as well any attempt to migrate to a newer version.