Happens with every new surge of Conservatism in the country. Started during
Reagan Years, I think. WHAT ON EARTH IS A NEO CON ??
Simply, it is newly awakened citizens who understand that it is time to
stand up and demand the return to Conservative Principals, which is a GREAT
thing! The problem is that Wolves in Sheeps Clothing, often establishment
Republicans, suddenly arise to lead the charge.
The average citizen just assumes these folks have the answers because many
have never followed politics much before this. But the WOLVES completely ignore
the existing REAL conservatives who have been correctly warning us for decades.
My favorite is the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY who has not failed ONCE to correctly
identify Globalist/ Leftist backed Agendas and Programs. The best current
example is the CONVENTION OF STATES, but the list of their warnings is long and
- Early warnings to GET US OUT OF THE UN
- Communists/Globalists slowly moving into all of our institutions, both public
and private
- Federal Reserve, private bankers taking over our money supply,
- UN Sex programs coming to our schools clear back in the early 70s
- ERA -Equal Rights Amendment warnings (Eagle Forum helped lead the charge)
- Warnings on Agenda 21, ICLEI, Sustainable Development
I could go on and on but have you noticed the new drive toward the
Convention of States ?? Before you sell out your country, please heed the
warnings of the old Guard who have not failed us in over 60 years of research.
I thoroughly admire you citizens who are new to the process and ready and
eager to give it your all, but please be careful of who you are listening to.
Before you jump on any bandwagons by national conservative celebrities or talk
show hosts, please consult JBS websites :
John Birch Society (jbs.org) <https://jbs.org/>
The New American – That Freedom Shall Not Perish <https://thenewamerican.com/>