WE DIDN’T LOSE, THEY CHEATED !! (Skillings/Kresha Primary Race

We didn’t lose. They cheated. Thirty-Five Votes separated a 12-year career politician and a truth-seeker living in the woods. I am DANG Proud of what I/we accomplished and Believe You Me, We Are NOT DONE YET!!!!

1st let me address Dale Leuck. Oops, I misstated: two years vs 12 years, in this district. Fact of the matter is, “Representation” has been questionable all these years, and I can prove it. Ron Kresha is certainly NOT a Republican, at least not with the same values as I have as a God-fearing Child of God. I’ll be sharing more of that. I also believe that Mr Leuck calling me any name was unnecessary, but to call me both “totally ignorant and completely clueless” coming from my neighbor (lives < 1 mile away) that has never even taken the time to sit down and have a two-sided conversation in the short time (ahem FOUR Years) I have lived here… my momma & Thumper would say “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”

Next let me address the ridiculousness.

The fake “My Debate” that the Aitkin County Republicans (BPOU) put on during the fair. That was not MY debate, I never agreed to it OR even had a conversation with ANY of the people from ACR/BPOU about said debate. Then the Milk carton brigade, where silly 7th grade boys from the same group took one of my pictures from my facebook page (which had only been up a very short period of minutes, maybe hours) and put me on a milk-carton and said I was missing…. Funnn times.

Probably the best one was when Retired (2 yr) Representative Dale Leuck used his Official State of Minnesota letterhead and wrote an endorsement letter to the people of this district. The person that originally told me about this letter, the comment was made “SHAME ON HIM”. I agree, how about you?

Or maybe how HRCC & other groups spent tens of THOUSANDS of dollars working to defeat We The People. I believe it is time for our great Minnesota Republican party to be exposed…. This goes on & on, The NRA sending a mailing to recipients in an 80% red district, silly?? Or the vulnerable adult that is now running around the district shouting “DIANE WEBB-SKILLINGS is a LIAR, Dale Leuck says so”…. WHAT in the world are these people up to?????

The moral to all this…. Sticks & Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me….. God Bless the USA

Be Blessed ~ Seek Truth – Diane Webb-Skillings, Minnesota

Diane Webb-Skillings

Be Blessed ~ Seek Truth.


(Editors Note – From watching the awful record of Rep Kresha over several years and all the shenanigans pulled by MN Republican Party in many parts of the state, we would suggest listening to what Diane is saying !!!)

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