Yep, the same ones who run our schools (THRU PARTNERSHIP WITH SOURCEWELL) and communities tho their names seldom show up directly. You have to know where to look since their goals have been exposed.
In the article below, they tell us right in their congressional testimony that it's all about "*an intentional equitable economic pathway." Notice this comment in the Brainerd papers,
" “Cheryal was the perfect person to speak about how federal funding and
programs can be better targeted to benefit rural and underserved
communities in more equitable and impactful ways.”

     Her REGION plus Sourcewell plan to facilitate large numbers of Refugees to fill the new job vacancies they help produce. They use TIF funding which gives special tax benefits BUT NOT TO LOCAL BUSINESSES. In a recent PBS interview, Cheryal also said that these Refugees should not have to assimilate. She states that we should change to accommodate them INCLUDING MODIFYING OUR HOLIDAYS. REMEMBER THAT HER PARTNER REGIONAL GROUPS ARE AT WORK IN YOUR COMMUNITY TOO !!!!  SEE ARTICLE BELOW :

Region Five Development Commission testifies at economic development

  hearing before Congress

    The U.S. House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness

    in Growth hosted the hearing, “Bringing Prosperity to Left-Behind

    Communities: Using Targeted Place-based Development to Expand

    Economic Opportunity.”

Cheryal Lee Hills and Levon Johnson sit at a table.

Cheryal Lee Hills, executive director of Region Five Development
Commission, left, and Levon Johnson, president and CEO of Greater
Elkhart Chamber of Commerce, testify before the U.S. House Select
Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth.


ByDispatch Staff Report

May 21, 2022 10:00 AM







The Trust ProjectWe are part of The Trust Project.


STAPLES — Cheryal Lee Hills, executive director of Region Five
Development Commission and representative of the National Association of
Development Organizations, testified before Congress Wednesday, May 11.

The U.S. House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in
Growth hosted the hearing, “Bringing Prosperity to Left-Behind
Communities: Using Targeted Place-based Development to Expand Economic

Select committee members and policy experts had an opportunity to
examine how wealth disparities in local economies have increased —
including in rural towns, industrial centers, and urban neighborhoods —
and how targeted, place-based initiatives can restore local economies
and bring jobs to economically vulnerable regions.

As a federally recognized Economic Development District, Region Five
Development Commission develops and maintains the Comprehensive Economic
Development Strategy for the region. Comprehensive Economic Development
Strategy is an intentional equitable economic pathway designed by
diverse voices.

“It is imperative to invest in local practitioners who emphasize equity
and inclusion in their approaches to community development,” Hills
testified during the hearing on local economic development. “We measure
success of projects and programs based on improved livelihoods and
ownership for those living on the margins of our economy.”

The hearing's main purpose was to explore targeted, place-based policies
to restore local economies and uplift underserved communities.

“In her testimony, Lee Hills not only represented the needs of her
region; she also represented the needs and interests of hundreds of
other National Association of Development Organizations members across
the country,” said Joe McKinney, executive director of the National
Association of Development Organizations, said in a news release.
“Cheryal was the perfect person to speak about how federal funding and
programs can be better targeted to benefit rural and underserved
communities in more equitable and impactful ways.”

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