Chaos at School Board in Becker, MN

Commentary: In Becker, there is ‘no other side to our pride’

When education is no longer a pursuit of truth, a pursuit of knowledge, and a 
pursuit of information, it ceases to be education.

Julie Quist <>
March 19, 2022

On Monday, March 14, people arriving to hear a presentation to the school board 
at the Becker High School Performing Arts Center were greeted by a lobby filled 
with chanting, protesting students. Their central chant, “No other side, to our 
pride!” summed up the entire evening.

That slogan captured the emotional outrage percolating in Becker for weeks, 
outrage baked into a major article in the nearby local daily, the St. Cloud 
Times, and picked up by other media outlets around the state and country. 
Headlines in numerous publications said a “hate group” was being allowed to 
speak to the school board. It was the talk of the town having been repeated 
hundreds of times on social media postings. The young people’s emotions had been 
whipped into a frenzy.

Two local residents, Betsy Armstrong and Chris Klippen, both accomplished 
attorneys and former Becker School Board members, along with myself representing 
the Child Protection League (CPL), gave a public presentation to the school 
board that was continually drowned out by chants, yells, slurs, and catcalls 
from protesters. The adults in charge didn’t clear the theater. They did not 
control the mob.

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Commentary: In Becker, there is 'no other side to our pride' - Alpha News

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