This story comes from the 700 Club, a well known Christian organization. They are sometimes known for questionable Healing Principles. But while I may not always agree with their conclusions, you can’t fault their sources. This 10 min video does a good job of explaining very real CYBER ATTACK concerns : ( Begin at 10 min 40 sec)
One of our best protections locally is our own Townships. For several years, we have been asking them to begin to create protections and ongoing help in times of crisis. Something as simple as a CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. This should include trusted citizen volunteers to help organize during times of crisis that can be called upon quickly, overseen by a Constable. CBs MAY be useful in case Cell phones go down. Consider returning to some kind of local BARTER system. Remember, most of our food is produced within TWP Boundaries.
But any such local support will require a COMMON LAW style of organization which refuses to accept unconstitutional and destructive laws from a rogue State and Federal Government. It can provide needed local cooperation as well as protection. SEE HOW BELOW: