Talk about a Contradiction In Terms !! But apparently many parents think they
are just that as they take photos and giggle with delight as their kids
experience this FIRST HAND. If thats not Child Abuse, what is ??
There is now a new website to follow the progress of this monstrosity
with many examples from across the country. Germany has banned this site which
is critical of the events. As I recall, German Catholic Bishops recently
overwhelmingly voted to have more acceptance of LGBT in the Church. We certainly
live in a parallel universe.
Part of the website narative :
A few weeks ago I started noticing that the Left was ramping up their
grooming efforts in the form of “family-friendly” drag shows open to
audiences of all ages. Of course, sane people know that the words
“family-friendly” and “drag” do not go together. After seeing a dramatic
rise in the number of drag events targeting kids, I decided it was time to
create a thread documenting them. I wanted to show just how common,
pervasive, and sick this stuff is.
See this website below: