Glenn Beck Withdraws Previous Endorsement for “Convention of States” (COS)



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URGENT: Popular talk-radio host Glenn Beck officially changed his opinion about 
a Con-Con — once in favor, he announced on his show that he now opposes this 
dangerous idea.

On his September 15 morning podcast, Beck said:

"I have been a supporter of the Article V Convention of States. I’ve been a 
pretty big supporter, vocal supporter. I’m reversing that today. Because after 
some real thought and prayer, we are not the people to open up this sacred 
document. We are not the people – that was a God-inspired document. That was 
divinely written. … Benjamin Franklin even said that.  The very hand of God was 
involved in the writing of that document. Do you believe that we could send 
delegates to a convention today that would have that kind of inspiration, that 
when they got to an impasse, somebody would be there like Ben Franklin that 
would say, “Let’s pause and all go to church and pray.” They didn’t politick, 
they prayed.  I am not for opening that constitution anymore. When we are the 
people, I’ll be for it again. … And I’m afraid it’s just going to take a massive 
beatdown of our country to get to that place. Someday we will be humble enough, 
we will recognize God, we will not be an enemy to God. We will not be so 
arrogant. And when we’re those people I will support the Convention of States. 
But I withdraw my support. And I’m sorry to say that, but I withdraw my support. 
… This Constitution is wholly inadequate for anyone other than a religious and 
moral people. We are not those people. And we should not stain this document."

You can listen to this segment in the episode titled Media Praises Biden for 
Solving a Problem He Created | Guests: Sen. Rand Paul & Alex Epstein | 
9/15/22,   (beginning at 1:37:00) @

Furthermore, on September 3, Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered the development of 
the mRNA technology and courageously warned the public about the risks 
associated with taking the Covid-19 vaccines, at great personal cost, published 
a post on his Substack account titled “What An Article V Convention Might Mean.” 
The post contains an article from The John Birch Society about the dangers of 
convening an Article V Convention. Here is the link to the post:
If you live in a state with “live” Con-Con applications, contact your state 
legislators and urge them to rescind them. And if you live in a state where 
legislatures are currently debating — or will soon debate — application 
resolutions, urge them to defeat those resolutions.

Finally, regardless of which state you live in, inform your legislators about 
the constitutional tool of nullification — the real solution to an 
out-of-control federal government — and urge them to enact strong nullification 

Whether your state has previously passed and has a “live” application to 
Congress to call a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA) or 
not, your state is likely still the target of other organizations advocating for 
an Article V convention to propose different amendments.

Such non-BBA proposals include amendments to impose fiscal restraints on the 
federal government (such as a debt limitation amendment), limit the power and 
jurisdiction of the federal government, impose term limits on both members of 
Congress and Supreme Court justices, limiting free speech by way of mandating 
publicly funded elections and overturning the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling 
in Citizens United v FEC, and more. Some of the well-known advocacy 
organizations for some of these proposed amendments include the Convention of 
States (COS) Project and Wolf-PAC.

Regardless of the perceived or potential merit of any one or more of these 
amendment proposals, the fact remains that such a convention, if and when 
convened, opens the Constitution to extensive rewrite or potentially to replace 
it altogether as the Articles of Confederation were at the original Philadelphia 
Convention of 1787.

Phone your state senator and representative (click here for phone numbers) and 
APPLICATION regardless of its stated intention or proposed amendment(s).

When calling the offices of your state legislators over the phone, here are some 
talking points:
I am opposed to any Article V convention based on three reasons:

1. The Constitution is not the problem. The real problem is our 
out-of-compliance-with-the-Constitution federal government.

2. All Article V conventions have the inherent power to be runaway conventions, 
because of the inherent right of the sovereign people to “to alter or abolish” 
our government as enshrined in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence. 
Thus, we have no business convening Article V conventions especially when 
neither our elected federal officials nor our voters have the understanding and 
determination to enforce the Constitution we already have.

3. An Article V convention would enable powerful special interests to revise the 
Constitution in their favor (left or right). For over a century establishment 
special interests, or a Deep State if you will, have been influencing our 
elected officials to exercise powers not granted to them by the Constitution, 
while at the same time influencing voters to accept these usurpations of powers. 
An Article V convention would provide the opportunity for the special interests 
to rewrite the Constitution to legitimize a particular agenda that is 
inconsistent with the Constitution.

In conclusion: State legislatures and Congress should enforce the Constitution, 
not empower a convention that could rewrite it.

To learn more about why convening a constitutional convention would not be wise 
at this time, please visit our STOP A CON-CON action project page.

COPY & PASTE the following URL into your web browser in order to contact and 
urge your state legislators to OPPOSE any and all applications to Congress to 
call an Article V Convention:
Thank you,

Your Friends in The John Birch Society
ALSO, don't forget OUR website where we offer help to Take Back Your Communities:


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