How To Heat Your Home When The Power Is Out

(Note - This really works. I set up a larger system with a Bank of batteries but 
I also learned a couple of better tips from that video. We had better begin to 
think SURVIVAL, Greg)

View this post on the web at

Note From Henry :
I watched this YouTube video this morning and had one of those “Light Bulb” 
thoughts that I should share this with all of you.
At our home back in Minnesota we had a gas fired furnace but, I also had a 
generator that I could connect to our home to give us lights, run the furnace 
and keep the refrig cold. I didn’t need a setup like this. But the family that 
purchased our home in July and our old neighbors could sure use this trick.
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Please watch and share this with family and friends who may has a gas fired 
furnace. With the government telling us to be ready for brownouts and blackouts 
this winter this might just save some lives.
If we work together we can make it through the months ahead stronger and smarter 
than we were before. Share your ideas for survival in hard times. Let’s help 
each other out.
Remember to share this with others.
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