Parents are the solution event October 15th!
Child Protection League
1) "Parents Are The Solution" Fall Gathering
Date and time
Sat, October 15, 2022, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM CDT
Providence Academy 15100 Schmidt Lake Road Plymouth, MN 55446
Tickets at EVENTBRITE ( )
Rebecca Friedrichs
Most recently known for her role in producing the groundbreaking documentary "Whose Children Are They?", Rebecca Friedrichs is part of a national movement to restore the voices and authority of parents and teachers in America's schools.
Rebecca is the author of Standing Up to Goliath which exposes the corrupt and abusive teacher unions told through dozens of powerful personal accounts.
Kimberly Ells
Author of The Invincible Family: Why The Global Campaign To Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can't Win, Kimberly recently gave an hour-long interview with Tucker Carlson on her profound perspectives regarding the role of parents.
Kimberly has written for The Federalist, Townhall, Life Site News, The New American, The Epoch Times, MercatorNet, the Daily Signal, and other outlets. She has also spoken at venues across the country, including the United Nations. She is married and is the mother of five children.
Minnesota Parents Alliance welcomes powerhouse parents, Rebecca Friedrichs and Kimberly Ells, to Minnesota to speak on the importance of parents and their role in education and in our world.
Rebecca and Kimberly will each present their own remarks centered around our theme "Parents Are The Solution", followed by a moderated discussion hosted by Katherine Kersten and Catrin Wigfall.
The event will conclude with a social hour that will feature an opportunity to meet and greet Rebecca and Kimberly as well as network with other Minnesota organizations that focus on advocacy in the area of education and families.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to connect, engage and gain inspiration as we move toward November and beyond! #MNParentsFTW
1:00 - 2:00: Presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs and Kimberly Ells
2:00 - 3:00: Moderated Discussion by Katherine Kersten and Catrin Wigfall w/Q&A
3:00 - 4:30: "Parents Are The Solution" Social Hour feat. Rebecca and Kimberly (book/dvd signing and meet and greet) and aligned organizations (expo-style networking event)
2) Important North Dakota Gender Impact event sponsored by
North Dakota Conservative Action Network.
Gender Theory's Impact on Society: A Comprehensive Overview
The following information can be found at: North Dakota CAN ( )
North Dakota CAN (Conservative Action Network) is a nonprofit organization that educates, equips, and encourages citizens to be active participants in local civic engagement in order to preserve the values upon which our nation was founded.
On Saturday October 15th from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
NDCAN will be hosting an educational overview of the transgender movement's impact on society. This conference is the first of its kind in North Dakota and an educational opportunity for professionals, parents, teachers, students, legislators, and concerned citizens to learn how the transgender movement is negatively impacting every aspect of our society including law, medicine, and education.
>From the NDCAN Event Brite invitation ( ):
This incredible line-up of conference speakers will inspire and empower you to positively engage with this rapidly spreading worldview that is not only destroying lives and relationships, but has widespread negative ramifications for American policy and culture.
Nursing and social work continuing education hours have been applied for and are expected to be approved.
Lunch included. A choice of grilled chicken salad or a chicken wrap will be available.
North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum
612 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505
View map ( )
Please visit their conference website ( ) to reviews speaker bios. ( )
Additional details about the conference including lodgeing and sponsorship opportunities can be found here. ( )
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