Worldwide indoctrination of Children

This is a long video. Notice it heralds the 17 Sustainable Goals of the UN. These are the same goals that the Regional Planner in your County uses especially if you live in MN. May be called something else in other states but it is easy to google. In our area, Region 5 is the culprit. (SEE MAPS BELOW) .


. The maps above show who they and their closest partner SOURCEWELL, call themselves in YOUR county. These 2 groups already bring this SUSTAINABLE poison to your schools and then partner with National League of Cities to take away property rights, control your food supply etc, in your cities, Counties and Townships. —————————————–

Unbelievable is the brainwashing, grooming and indoctrination of our youth around the world. View the video : . SDG Moment – Youth In Action, UN Deputy Secretary-General & more | United Nations (PM Session) The SDG Moment serves to place an annual spotlight on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will be held at the beginning of the United Nation’s General Assembly’s High-Level Week. It takes place as the world experiences a deeply uneven response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which risks creating a two-tier recovery.

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