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EDITORS NOTE – Those concerned over MAT corruption should spread this around to other Constitutionally minded TWP residents and Board Members.


Wright County Attorney Brian Lutes,
Cokato Twp Board,

I do not know who, if anyone, has contacted The Wright County Attorney’s office about the recent disclosure by someone on behalf of the MN Assoc of Townships Insurance and Bond Trust (MATIT) that the MN Assoc of Townships (MAT) staff, in August of 2022, involved MATIT in a Business Email Compromise (as stated by Cyber Advisors) costing MATIT in $834, xxx.xx+ “theft” of funds as seen in the attached letter and the apparent report excerpt at the end of this email.

(See the attached letter from an “unnamed” or an AI at MATIT (actually from MAT as MATIT has no staff) dated February 7, 2023.)
(See also the “6 – Resolution” attachment to see a resolution I submitted to the Wright County Twp Officers in April of 2022 concerning this very issue)

** Any one of us in any other place of employment would be fired, a manager would be fired and there would be some very tough questions for the organization that remained as to why these large sums of money were seemingly treated like a simple Amazon clothing purchase.   MAT staff and MAT board members appear to have done ZERO to discipline, demote, fire, or otherwise remove staff and/or board members who are responsible for the August 2022 MATIT “BEC” missing funds.
*** Cokato Twp would like to see the complete Cyber Advisors report AND any law enforcement agency reports about this MATIT BEC loss.

Here are the main flags that should have been obvious to MAT Manager Heather Tidmore and MAT Executive Director Jeff Krueger:

  1.  If renewal was July 1, then all payment(s) should have already been into the reinsurance company for coverage to be active, AND already verified paid by Tidmore and Krueger.

  *   Who at MAT makes these payments and would not remember already having paid out $834+K in monies just 1 month prior?
  *   If renewal was July 1, and a person's primary role was to secure and pay for said re-insurance, HOW COULD THIS HAVE EVEN TAKEN PLACE?
  *   EVERY MN business deals with this and knows this about their own policies EVERY year.
  *   Every homeowner deals with the same.   This is 2023, not 1923.

  1.  The July 31 AND the July 2 dates, received fresh in August should have been the 2nd and 3rd RED flags for Executive Director Jeff Krueger and MATIT account Manager Heather Tidmore to dig deeper and verify prior to sending more monies.
  2.  After receipt of the August emails requesting multiple July payments, Tidmore AND Krueger should have verified with the reinsurance carrier if payments were already sufficient back in June or on July 1st and that the account had a ZERO balance due.
  3.  The email address of the sender should have been verified, even though the sender did not identify as an African prince needing to hide monies in order to escape to America, items 1-3 above should have then clearly demonstrated the need to look at everything with suspicion and verify everything with the reinsurance carrier and the bank.
  4.  Much turnover of staff and a large migration from one insurance information manager to Origami was a trainwreck, is still a trainwreck, and should have made everyone even more careful about every financial step and process.

This was not a complicated event and should not be viewed as a simple mistake, especially when dealing with $834, xxx.xx+ dollars of taxpayer monies.

  1.  The agency (MATIT) has no employees or building or separate board to govern its activities or provide oversight without conflict of interest

– This is what I understand from MAT/MATIT by-laws, correspondences, training, conversations, and meeting minutes.

a1  -  MATIT is governed by a board that is the exact same makeup as the MAT board executive officers, Burdorf, Milender, Houle

a2  -  …AND instead of appointing two at-large township officers, the MAT board allowed (2) additional MAT board members, Hooke and Hall to also play a

double role to be on the MATIT board as well as MAT.

a3  -  ZERO representation outside the 2022 MAT board was allowed on the MATIT board.

a4  -  How much is MAT charging MATIT for meetings and expenses related to this so-called “Breach” or BEC that MAT personnel caused?

a5  -  How much does MAT charge/bill MATIT for attorney time from the MAT organization?

a6  -  How much rent does MATIT pay to MAT for building space?

a7  -  How much space does MATIT actually lease from MATIT?

a8  -  Is it easy to walk in the MAT building to see the MATIT space, the MATIT filing cabinets, and the MATIT secure areas?

a9  -  thankfully MATIT and MAT have separate Post Office boxes.

a10  -  even though MAT has made it clear that MATIT has ZERO employees, the MATIT web page tab “contact”

  *   The web page makes it appear as thought Tidmore and Turek are MATIT staff
  *   “Our team works out of the MAT offices in St. Michael.”
  *    And the photos of Tidmore and Turek show employment titles that make them appear to be MATIT staff also
  *   If MATIT has staff there should be w2’s issued annually to its employees
  *   Otherwise, MAT should rightly title Tidmore as the MATIT account Manager and likewise Turek as the account assistant.

  1.  The agency is 100% operated by MAT Staff

b1  -  including at least Jeff Krueger, staff attorney Steve Fenske, Manager Heather Tidmore, and Assist Mgr Turek

b2  -  likely other MAT support staff from time to time serve the MATIT organization doing clerical-type work.

b3  -  There is no true business-type accountability with the incestuous nature and appearance of the MAT and MATIT boards

b4  -  Whenever mistakes are made they can be justified away and made to quietly go away with no real threat of discipline or consequences

b5  -  It is the MN townships that lose in this situation as MAT staff continues on and gets paid regardless at the cost to the townships

b6  -  Why is attorney Fenske not disciplined or fired for his poor guidance against such threats of BEC and other holes in the MAT organization security


b7  -  Why was over $100k of salary/pay raises given out to the very people who were responsible for this BEC, and likely after the BEC took place?

  *   Who gets awarded a pay raise when they lose/misplace/give away $834,xxx.xx+k of company funds?
  *   I understand that these substantial raises were mostly (if not all) divided amongst the Executive Director, the lead attorney, Tidmore, and perhaps one other.
                b8  -  What was Timore’s insurance and insurance management experience prior to hiring her to the MAT staff?
                b9  -  Who at MAT had the most experience performing Wire Transfers and working with the re-insurance carrier?
                b10  -  Which MAT policies deal with employee mistakes, discipline, and firing?
                B11  -  MATIT has no one to protect its interests or funds except the MAT organization which also provides labor to MATIT for operations.

  *   This is clearly a conflict of interest and should not be allowed.

  1.  MAT and MAT staff are NOT open to outside queries and have made it quite clear in 2022 that MAT is private and not open to the public. This presents a major issue for MATIT to be legitimately open to public eyes when:

c1  –  MAT office doors are locked

c2  –  MAT board meetings are closed to the public and the information that is made public is hand-picked by MAT for release

c3  –  MATIT, while its meetings may be open to public view per MN Statute, except not those times when they were closed by MATIT board members, has all files co-mingled in the same locked building where MAT is headquartered.
c4  –  Are MATIT files stored exclusively separate from any/all MAT files and/or devices/or cloud storage or software accounts within the St Michael MAT building or in the cloud?

c5  -  It is one thing to disagree with how certain staff or board members conduct themselves or treat others, but this deals with the Theft of real monies, that came directly from taxpayers via the township boards.

Brian Lutes, Please advise about this unfortunate and avoidable event and how the MAT organization can be held accountable as MN townships currently have ZERO voice or action that I know of to bring true remedy and discipline to the staff and/or board members of MAT that are responsible for this loss.   MATIT has no true independent voice, or staff and all information about MATIT is being controlled by the private organization MN Assoc of Townships.

This BEC, the kicking out of (5) MN Twps from the MAT organization, and many other extraordinary issues within the MAT organization the past 13 months (minimum) is beyond troubling and the MAT private organization has breached trust with MN Townships, now including taxpayer funds.    Please consider this and let me know some logical next steps for any/all of the townships to take.

Besides the letter from MATIT, which comes as a first notification to the member Townships over 5 months after the BEC first took place, will be the only official communication that I expect for any of us to receive as the MAT has become very selective and secretive about the organization activities or performance.

Is any state or federal agency with more power than Cyber Advisors, criminally investigating this breach as it seems too stupid/careless to believe that the current story from MAT is complete?

There appear to be a few staff and board bullies at MAT that are hiding information from the townships, spinning stories to avoid answering questions, and seemingly coasting on people of high character who used to staff and oversee the MN Assoc of Twps some years ago, giving the impression that business is the same today as in the past, which it is not and has not been for over a year.   Things do not add up anymore.   MAT has moved itself to a position of being untouchable and of an attitude where they answer to no one.

1275 × 1650 – IMAGE 1

1275 × 1650 – IMAGE 2

1275 × 1650 – IMAGE 3

1275 × 1650 – IMAGE 4

1275 × 1650 – IMAGE 5

1275 × 1650 – IMAGE 6

1920 × 2560 – MATTIT LETTER

6 – Resolution Requiring Committee Positions – MAT





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